Can one thrive amidst adversity, even when surrounded by adversaries? Let us turn to scripture to glean insights on flourishing in the face of opposition.
Thou prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies - Pslams 23:5
Upon contemplation, the profundity of this statement becomes apparent. God, in His omnipotence, manifests strength most prominently when confronted by adversaries. Analogously, envision a light shining amidst the brightness of a sunny day, where its presence may go unnoticed. However, this same light acquires significance by providing clarity in darkness. It is in this context that God sets a table for individuals, symbolizing provision and abundance, even in the presence of adversaries.
Regrettably, many believers remain unaware of this divine assurance, leading them to succumb to fear when confronted with life's challenges.
Let me tell you a real story that I know very well. I will be conservative in telling the story so it does not aggravate some emotions here. This family was persecuted by this demon-influenced woman who lived in the next compound. One day, this demon-possessed woman walked into this family's compound with charms and red garments, bare-chested. She had white powder partly on her face. She looked terrified. She declared that this family would not see good things in their lives, and their home would be desolate. Thank God, there was God in this family. This family is a prayerful home and God heard their prayers. Years later, this demon-possessed woman was found dead in her bed with her head twisted. Not only did she die, but her daughter whom she initiated into cultism also an enemy of the family's next compound was found dead a few years later after the woman passed. Some horrible things also happened in the family that showed that God was at war with these demons. The godly family prospered more than any family in the city. God tells us that the battle is his (2 Chronicles 20:15). When the city residents saw the anger of the Lord in this demon-possessed family, they feared this family, and no one ever wanted to wrong them. This is an example of winning in the enemy's camp. God placed this family near the home of that demon-possessed woman because He was going to fight for them and win big. When you face battles in life, God placed you there because he is with you. But you have to lean on his strength through prayers and faith. When God gave Israel a promised land, most of the land was occupied by people who were not Israelis. But Israel fought in the camps of these people and won them and took over their lands because God was with them.
When you find yourself in battles or struggles of life, stay at the table God prepared for you because that is where your anointment shall flow from and where your cup will overflow.