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Pastor K

Hello Beloved,

I come to remind you that it’s easy to become entangled in the web of others’ perceptions. People will always have their opinions, but it’s crucial to remember that their views are not the mirror through which we should view ourselves. Instead, let’s turn to a more divine template: what does God say about us?

When you wake each morning, look in the mirror and speak to yourself. Not just idle chatter, but words of affirmation that reflect your true worth. Remember, the voice you hear the most in life is your own, so make it a voice of kindness, strength, and faith.

“I am loved.” Let this be your mantra. In moments of doubt and external judgement, remind yourself that you are loved unconditionally. This isn’t a love born of your achievements or marred by your mistakes; it’s a love that’s everlasting and unchanging. The love of God towards you!

“I am capable.” In the eyes of the divine, you are filled with potential. Your life isn’t defined by past failures or current fears. You are capable of great things – not because the world says so, but because you have inherent value and purpose and of course, God says so!

“I am not alone.” Even in your loneliest moments, remember you are never truly alone. You’re part of a greater design, connected to a source of infinite compassion and guidance.

Your words to yourself should be a reflection of what God says about you. You are a unique creation, valued and cherished. When negative thoughts or others’ opinions cloud your vision, refocus on this truth.

So, speak to yourself. Speak of hope, speak of love, and speak of your divine worth. In doing so, you’re not just uttering words; you’re aligning your heart with a higher truth, one that will guide you through life’s tumultuous journey. It’s a great week. #Speak


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